Sophie, a quiet and shy maid working for an upper-class French family, finds a friend in the energetic and uncompromising postmaster Jeanne, who encourages her to stand up against her bourgeois employers.
Rated NR | Length 111 minutes
Isabelle Huppert | Sandrine Bonnaire | Jean-Pierre Cassel | Jacqueline Bisset | Virginie Ledoyen | Valentin Merlet | Julien Rochefort | Dominique Frot | Jean-François Perrier | Ludovic Brillant | Claire Chiron | Claire-Marie Dentraygues | Jean-Pierre Descheix | Penny Fairclough | Alain Françoise | David Gabison | Pierre Gondard | Claire Ifrane | Philippe Languille | Philippe Le Coq | Joëlle Legua | Christophe Lemoine | Christine Melcer | Sarah Maze-Lauray | Mélanie Maudire | Serge Rousseau | Yves Verhoeven