The year is 1943 and the place is Balandou, a small village in Guinea. The plot revolves around Adjutant Mariani, some kind of a misfit. Despised by his superiors, hated by his wife Marie-France, he represents colonial France while dreaming of Africa and its mysteries. When pro-independence Lanseye Kante, the new manager of the school, arrives in the village, turmoil arises.
Length 90 minutes
Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu | Maka Kotto | Marianne Basler | Mariam Kaba | Sam Amidou | Mahmoud Zemmouri | Eric Averlant | Paul Le Person | Tom Novembre | Didier Flamand | Max Douchin | Keita Alama | François Berland | Mamy Camara | Moussa Camara | Amidou Cissoko | Lansanaba Condé | Amadou Diakité | Sadou Diakité | Kalou Diallo | Cheik Doukouré | Sabou Doumbouya | Djebil Fodé Doumbouya | Ibrahima Kalil Touré | Mamadou Kanté | Aboubacar Kolta | Tady Kossoko | Fanta Kouroama | Mamadi Kourouma | Mohamed Kourouma | Sandaly Kouyaté Balacala | Lanfia Kouyaté Sara | Lamine Kouyaté | Constance Lequesne | Nabé Mamadi | Daniel Pourcel | Théoplile Soulé Napo | Tiranka Traoré