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Warrior Angels (2002)

Directed by Byron W. Thompson


Elizabeth of Cooke (Joanna Pacula), a beautiful and valiant warrior returns from the Crusades to discover that her son Peter (Sander Kolosov) has been taken by Grekkor (Rutger Hauer), an ex-Lord wreaking havoc throughout the land. She sets out to locate and save Peter.


Charlotte Avery | Nick Brading | Molly Culver | Rutger Hauer | Kristina Kaubryte | Sander Kolosov | Vaidotas Martinaitis | Joanna Pacula | Geoff Parish | Greg Scopino | John Vernon | Arnold Vosloo | Sewell Whitney | Nina Young | Rimantė Valiukaitė | Žemyna Ašmontaitė