Nominated for two primetime Emmy Awards in 1984, this made-for-TV movie follows the true story of American boxer Jack Dempsey, who became a media sensation in the 1920s as the world heavyweight champion. Based upon the book by Jack Dempsey and Barbara Piatelli Dempsey.
Rated PG-13 | Length 112 minutes
Treat Williams | Sam Waterston | Sally Kellerman | Victoria Tennant | Peter Mark Richman | Jesse Vint | Robert Harper | John McLiam | Bonnie Bartlett | James Noble | John Lehne | Gene Normile | Michael McManus | Mark L. Taylor | Jimmy Nickerson | Jack O'Leary | Walker Edmiston | Richard Karron | Clay Hodges | Terence McGovern | Michael Fox | Richard Winterstein | Thomas Bellin | Glenn Robards | Vernon Scott | Lana Schwab | Galen Thompson