Based on the true story of film actress Ina Balin and her efforts with American Red Cross volunteer Betty Tisdale, as well as a compassionate Vietnamese woman running a Saigon orphanage, to rescue as many children as possible and fly them out of the country before South Vietnam’s fall in the spring of 1975 through the An Lac baby-lift.
Length 100 minutes
Shirley Jones | Ina Balin | Beulah Quo | Alan Fudge | Ben Piazza | Lee Paul | Kiều Chinh | Vic Silayan | Robert 'Toffy' Padua | Vic Diaz | Bongchi Miraflor | Anita Linda | Maila Gumila | Nguyet Balin | Andy Del Mundo | Tom Malanca | Dexter Doria | Pepito Rodriguez | Joe DeCastro | Janice de Belen | Roland Dantes