This comedic musical tells the story of Gabi, a young hairdresser from the Baltic coast who desperately wants to be a jockey. One day, she packs her bags, drives to Hoppegarten, and is soundly rejected by the head coach. Gabi doesn’t want to give up, and in order to at least have a roof over her head, she rushes into a marriage with the seemingly nice Freddie. However, this marriage soon proves to be her second rejection, as Freddie openly dislikes the fact that she wants to be a jockey.
Length 105 minutes
Traudl Kulikowsky | Frank Schöbel | Gerhard Bienert | Günter Junghans | Herbert Köfer | Agnes Kraus | Evamaria Bath | Elke Rieckhoff | Gerd Ehlers | Dietmar Obst | Peter Reusse | Axel Dietrich | Ina Martell | Horst Kube | Peter Dommisch | Gina Presgott | Günter Rüger | Gerd E. Schäfer | Otto Stark | Axel Triebel | Edgar Külow | Willi Schrade | Ernst-Georg Schwill | Nico Turoff | Horst Papke | Gustav Stähnisch | Manfred Otto | Lilo Grahn | Ursula Genhorn | Berndt Stübner