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Pierre Fatumbi Verger: Messenger Between Two Worlds (1998)

Directed by Lula Buarque de Hollanda


Inspired by the life of the french-born photographer and ethnographer, Pierre Verger, the movie follows his journey between Bahia, Brazil and Benin, Oriental Africa, showing places and people he met and his life study project: the Candomblé culture.

Length 82 minutes


Pierre Verger | Gilberto Gil | Jorge Amado | Maurice Baquet | Zélia Gattai | Agenor Miranda Rocha (Pai Agenor) | Agoliagbo Bedjagni | Antonio Risério | Arlete Soares | Ayekobino Yakpetchou | Antônio Carlos dos Santos Vovô (Vovô do Ilê Ayê) | Balbino Daniel de Paula (Pai Balbino) | Cid Teixeira Cavalcante | Edson Porto (Popó) | Gabin Djimasse | Honoré Feliciano Juliano de Souza (Xaxá VIII) | Jean Pierre Le Bouler | Jean Rouch | Juana Elbein Santos | Maria Stella de Azevedo (Mãe Stella) | Miguel Falabella | Milton Cunha | Nanci Bernabó | Nancy de Souza e Silva (Ceci) | Nestor Ogalala | Nordichao Bachalou | Pierre Boucher | Vilson Dias Barbosa