The troubled story of the Churruca family, a noble lineage of brave seamen, descendants of Cosme Damián Churruca, the Spanish hero of the Battle of Trafalgar; from the Spanish-American War (1898) to the end of the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). (In 1950, a new cut of the film was released with less ideological depth and ten minutes shorter.)
Length 102 minutes
Alfredo Mayo | Ana Mariscal | José Nieto | Blanca de Silos | Rosina Mendía | Pilar Soler | Julio Rey de las Heras | Luis Arroyo | Raúl Cancio | Manuel Arbó | Mercedes Llofríu | Eduardo González | Consuelo Loygorri | Ángel Martínez | Francisco Camoiras | José Crevillent | Juan Calvo | Vicente Soler | Fernando Fresno | Antonio Armet | Pablo Álvarez Rubio | Fulgencio Nogueras | Domingo Rivas | Manuel Soto | Pablo Hidalgo | Ignacio Mateo | Antonio Zaballos | Santiago Rivero | Luis Latorre | Horacio Socías | Erasmo Pascual | Joaquín Regález | María Saco | Carmen Trejo