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Long Road in the Dunes ()


Time before WW2, during WW2, punishment in Siberia, Soviet Union, returning home, and above all that - undying love, that still survives no matter what. And, on top of that, Marta and Arthur share their love…

Length 439 minutes


Harijs Liepiņš | Uldis Lieldidžs | Janis Plesums | Velta Line | Andris Zagars | Juris Lejaskalns | Jānis Zariņš | Juris Pļaviņš | Miervaldis Ozoliņš | Helmuts Kalniņš | Lelde Vikmane | Ruta Vītiņa | Alfreds Videnieks | Voldemārs Pūce | Ieva Akuratere | Tālivaldis Macijevskis