The extraordinary story of three Rwandan children who attempt to realize the dream of their life: to attend the opening ceremony of the FIFA World Cup 2010 at Johannesburg.
Rated PG-13 | Length 88 minutes
Eriya Ndayambaje | Roger Nsengiyumva | Sanyu Joanita Kintu | Yves Dusenge | Sherrie Silver | Emmanuel Jal | Presley Chweneyagae | Richard Lukunku | Rapulana Seiphemo | Patrick Mofokeng | Tony Caprari | Moky Mukura | Leleti Khumalo | Keketso Semoko | Ayuub Kasasa Mago | Mazimpaka Kennedy | Chan Marti | Lehlohonolo Makoko | Sam Kyagambidwa | Elizabeth Serunye | Elizabeth Serunye | Treasure Bulose | Jabulani Mouze Phambana