The story of Johann Friedrich Böttger, an apothecary’s apprentice and alchemist’s assistant. Fleeing from the Prussian King, he goes to Saxony, where King Frederick August the Strong takes him to a fortress and demands that he create gold. Böttger is equipped with everything he would need for the task, but he has known for a while that actual gold production is a myth and instead experiments with porcelain—white porcelain, as the Chinese are said to possess. In 1709, he finally succeeds in surprising the King with the “white gold,” the first white porcelain made in Europe, he hopes for freedom.
Length 99 minutes
Hans Quest | Ilse Steppat | Herbert Hübner | Albert Bessler | Alexander Engel | Willy A. Kleinau | Marianne Prenzel | Paul Wagner | Werner Pledath | Klaus Miedel | Rolf Weih | Johannes Bergfeldt | Siegfried Dornbusch | Hans Emons | Hans Fiebrandt | Margarete Schön | Erik von Loewis | Harry Gillmann | Willy Kaiser-Heyl | Wolfgang Kühne | Franz Lichtenauer | Heinz Lingen | Alfred Maack | Peter Marx | Otto Matthies | Willi Narloch | Edmund Pouch | Martin Rosen | Henning Schlüter | Walter Schramm | Werner Segtrop | Otto Stoeckel | Robert Taube | Friedrich Teitge | Axel Triebel | Nico Turoff | Inge van der Straaten | Walter Weinacht