During World War II, hard-luck farmer Colvis Nevels leaves his rural Kentucky home to take a factory job in bustling Detroit. Reluctantly accompanying Colvis is his long-suffering wife, Gertie, a talented woodcarver set in her traditional ways. When the perils of city life and Colvis’ reckless squandering of money send the Nevels into precarious financial straits, Gertie starts a business making hand-carved dolls in order to provide for her family.
Rated PG-13 | Length 142 minutes
Jane Fonda | Levon Helm | Amanda Plummer | Susan Kingsley | Ann Hearn | Robert Swan | Geraldine Page | Jason Yearwood | David Brady Wilson | Starla Whaley | David Dawson | Nikki Creswell | Raymond Serra | Dan Hedaya | Christine Ebersole | Ellen Marchman | Studs Terkel | Sheb Wooley | James N. Harrell | Edward Sadlowski | Phyllis Boyens | Mike Timoney | Bruce McKinnon | Mike Bacarella | Etel Billig | Pat Billingsley | Diane Dorsey | Derek Googe | Cheryl Hamada | Elizabeth Regal | Jamie WIld | Jason Wild | Dennis Kelly