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The Hidden Way (1926)

Directed by Joseph De Grasse


The film tells the tale of three ex-cons who finally go straight, through the redemptive power of love. After rescuing Mary from certain death, the “three bad men” meet her saintly mother and stay on to help on their farm. In The Hidden Way, two of the ex-cons conspire to steal the family’s tiny nest egg, but through plot twists involving a medicinal spring, a wronged woman, a villainous Casanova, his avaricious father, and government inspectors (!), the pair eventually see their error and join the third in turning over a new leaf.

Rated NR | Length 68 minutes


Ned Sparks | Tom Santschi | Wilbur Mack | Arthur Rankin | Mary Carr | Gloria Grey | William Ryno | Jane Thomas | Billie Jeane Phelps