Interpol detective Wilton, known for his powers of deduction, is set on a gang of bank and jewel robbers who are up to mischief in Marseille. Despite some false leads, he can shed light on the murky affair. A conventional but relatively exciting crime film that strives for atmospheric density but is not immune to the clichés of the genre. Charpentier’s trivial novel is the first crime thriller in a series that pretends to be the publication of Commissioner Wilton’s diaries.
Length 91 minutes
Ron Randell | Paul Esser | Bum Krüger | Pinkas Braun | Virginia Rodin | Christiane Maybach | Laya Raki | Roger Hanin | Barbara Frey | Demeter Bitenc | Laci Cigoj | Marcel Correnson | Gilles Legris | Jean Panisse | Régis Rubaud | Paul Sum | Slavko Švajger