Kylie Winters, a bullied and self-loathing teen, reluctantly agrees to babysit at an isolated country mansion on Halloween night. When a small boy in a pig mask appears at the door trick-or-treating, Kylie’s night transforms into a horrifying and violent cat-and-mouse game. She must go beyond what she ever thought possible if she and the children are to survive the night.
Length 83 minutes
Alysa King | Madison Ferguson | Samora Smallwood | Bart Rochon | Aaron Chartrand | Christophe Gallander | Robert Nolan | Daniel Stolfi | Daphne Moens | Jessica Vano | Josee Young | Leo Pady | C.J. Dubé | Marcus Tarnoy | Sofia Troop | Alys Crocker | Michael Lipka | Stephanie Domet | Chelsea Leaman