“Vanity Fair” is a historical drama, based on the classic English novel written by William Thackeray, featuring Shirley Mason. Shirley Mason was 15 y.o. and played the role of the young Becky Sharp. Directors obviously took notice of her performance, because in 1917 she appeared in 17 feature films, in many of them playing the star role.
Rated NR | Length 80 minutes
Minnie Maddern Fiske | Shirley Mason | Yale Benner | Helen Fulton | William Wadsworth | Richard Tucker | Robert Brower | Frank McGlynn Sr. | Bigelow Cooper | George A. Wright | Maurice Steuart | Helen Strickland | Philip Quinn | John Sturgeon | Arthur Row | Mrs. Westerley | Mrs. Austin Brown | Alice Grey | Charles Sutton | Florence Stover | Mrs. G.M. Clarke | Lena Davril | George D. Melville | Jessie Stevens | William Wirth | Frank A. Lyons