Directed by the Oscar-winning screenwriter Ennio De Concini, Daniele e Maria (1973) is the tale of a forbidden romance between a rich and reclusive boy and the poor girl whose kindness opens up his formerly sheltered life. As the familiar setup from Romeo and Juliet suggests, the romance can only have a tragic ending as Maria is whisked away from her love and is forced into a loveless marriage organized by the rich family sheltering Danieleā¦
Length 100 minutes
Peter Firth | Junie Vetusto | Angela Goodwin | Gino Pernice | Bruno Cirino | Ruggero De Daninos | Giovanna Mainardi | Gabriella Boccardo | Giancarlo Badessi | Francesca Benedetti | Enrico Ragusa | Massimo Sarchielli | Sergio Serafini