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Average Rating: 7/10

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The Quiet Duel (1949)

Directed by Akira Kurosawa

Most recently watched by sleestakk


A young idealistic doctor works at his father’s clinic in a small and seedy district. During the war, he contracts syphilis from the blood of a patient when he cuts himself during an operation. Treating himself in secret and tormented by his conscience, he rejects his heartbroken fiancée without explanation.

Length 95 minutes


Toshirō Mifune | Miki Sanjo | Takashi Shimura | Kenjiro Uemura | Isamu Yamaguchi | Noriko Sengoku | Chieko Nakakita | Kenichi Miyajima | Masatoki Sasaki | Seiji Izumi | Tadashi Date | Shigeyuki Miyajima | Jyonosuke Miyazaki | Kisao Tobita | Kan Takami | Etsuko Sudo | Hatsuko Wakahara | Hiroko Machida | Wakayo Matsumura | Yakuko Ikegami | Shigeru Matsumoto | Yosuke Kudo