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Average Rating: 5/10

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Act of Vengeance (1974)

Directed by Bob Kelljan

Most recently watched by schofizzy, sleestakk, sensoria


A woman is sexually assaulted by a serial rapist wearing a hockey mask. She and other victims form a squad that targets would-be rapists, all the while searching for the mask wearing maniac that raped them all.

Rated R | Length 90 minutes


Jo Ann Harris | Peter Brown | Jennifer Lee Pryor | Lisa Moore | Connie Strickland | Patricia Estrin | Lada Edmund Jr. | Tony Young | Steve Kanaly | Ross Elliott | John Pickard | Ninette Bravo | Stanley Adams | Joan McCall | Anneka Di Lorenzo | Cheryl Waters | Jay Fletcher | Marie O'Henry | Hank Rolike | Fred Lerner | Troy Melton | Dennis Cross