Five shorts spanning a century on lives impacted by the Panama Canal. Men, women and children who are influenced by the existence of the “Canal”, the event that changed the history of not only a country but the world.
Length 106 minutes
Lakisha May | Andre Morris | Charlie Goldstein | Kathleen Wise | Hannah Schöbitz | Luis Manuel Barrios | José Angel Murillo | Meredith Carley | Henry Twohy | Earl Patrick Watson | Mayra Hurley | Isabel Burgos | Larry Diaz | Keith Furones | Valeria Brown | Yaxneira López | Adrián Benedetti | William McNamara | Marlon Jackman | Leo Wiznitzer | Natalie Harris | Kendall McKella | Daniel Tomas | Jairo Cabrera | Charlie Henriquez | Matías Vidal | Alexis Saavedra | John Wickinson | Blas Peña | Walter Dosso | Manuel Cedeño | Adhair Ponce | Luca Armerante | Jonathan Arosemena | Rafael Moreno | Luis Arteaga | Christopher Finnegan | Mercedes Ochoa | Anthony Loew