For 20 years, intrepid police detective Vijay (Akshay Kumar) has believed the malicious Amar Singh (Sadashiv Amrapurkar) murdered Vijay’s twin brother, Lallu. Vijay eventually dredges up enough evidence to put the crafty Amar in the slammer, but he walks on a technicality. Events take a surprising turn, however, when Lallu (also played by Kumar) suddenly shows up in director Umesh Mehra’s action-packed film.
Length 162 minutes
Akshay Kumar | Mamta Kulkarni | Mohnish Behl | Avtar Gill | Gulshan Grover | Sadashiv Amrapurkar | Sudhir Dalvi | Dina Pathak | Vishwajeet Pradhan | Anjana Mumtaz