An unclaimed fortune, grown for centuries in a British bank account, becomes a potential windfall for Bernadito Castiñeiras and the residents of the tiny village of Yaragüey, Cuba. To receive his massive inheritance check, Bernadito must prove his lineage to the Castiñeiras nuns who first populated the region. In an isolated and impoverished town where many residents share the same surname, a feud breaks out between the “Castiñeiras” and “Castiñeyras” families.
Length 108 minutes
Jorge Perugorría | Enrique Molina | Paula Ali | Yoima Valdés | Laura De la Uz | Annia Bu Maure | Vladimir Cruz | Mirta Ibarra | Alexis Díaz de Villegas | Rodolfo R. Faxas | Ibrahim Ceballo | Bárbaro Marín | Omar Franco | Noel García | Patricio Wood | Héctor Quintero | René de la Cruz | Andros Perugorría | Kelvis Sorita | Roberto Viña | Veronica Diaz | Jorge Losada | Thalia Garcia | Daniel Gaignet | Alfredo Rodríguez | Edith Margarita Massola Mederos | Juan Carlos Roselló | Tomás Cao | Lázaro Rivera | Olga Lidia Alfonso | Mario Limonta | Zoraida Rosario | Serafín García | Mercedes González | Lucas Tamayo | Darian Rodriguez | Naomi Anillo | Lourdes Fernandez | Amed Falcon | Tahimí Alvariño