This anthology features three chilling horror movies that include tales of supernatural beings and other beasts, such as “Nieves” in which a local hero must save her hometown from rampaging nature spirits known as Engkanto. In “Emergency,” ghoulish creatures attack a remote hospital, and in “Class Picture,” the ghost of a sadistic nun attacks a group of college friends. Mike Tuviera and Topel Lee direct these hair-raising films.
Length 140 minutes
Marian Rivera | Kim Chiu | Roxanne Guinoo | Gerald Anderson | JC de Vera | Jean Garcia | Mylene Dizon | Wendell Ramos | Erich Gonzales | Diana Zubiri | John Lapus | Iwa Moto | Niña Jose | Denise Laurel | Janus Del Prado | Eri Neeman | Cris Daluz | Banjo Romero | Dido De La Paz | Perry Escaño | I.C. Mendoza | Stef Prescott | Charles Christianson | Eda Nolan | Prince Stefan | Andrea Torres | Jennica Garcia | Martin Escudero | Desiree del Valle | Marco Alcaraz | Pekto | Malou Crisologo | Kristel Fulgar | Antonette Garcia | Luis Alandy | Robert Villar