An alien from the planet Antoria lands on Earth and is promptly assaulted by the porn producer Gerhard Hornbacher, who steals his “form changer”. Hornbacher sees this as a way to make money and founds the spiritual TV channel “Teleportal”, where he offers people the opportunity to flee to Antoria to escape the impending destruction of the Earth, for a price of course.
Length 110 minutes
Helmut Krauss | Vera Göpfert | Uwe Karpa | Santiago Ziesmer | Pierre Kiwitt | Julie Trappett | Ingo Frischeisen | Ceciiia Pillado | Michael Schumacher | Julia Kratz | Wolfgang Völz | Ades Zabel | Rainer König | Britta Selling | Volkmar Welzel | Mathilda Kruschel | Franziska Klemm | Bodo Bayer | Andreas Keitel | Richard Schaeffer | Alexander König | Chakotay Hordes | Jean Pierre Dimaggio | Kai Michael Wolter | Markus Grubba | Christoph Jungerberg | Oliver Kirchhoff | Mab Dominas | Linda Schüle | Helmut Huf | Bernard Traub | Brigitte Günther | Olivera Becker | Marisa Hahn | Tatjana Koch | Jenny Grunow | Alfonso Cassella | Katja Hombrecher | Rahel Krippner | Jonat Marion | Birgit Goyal | Bettina Krause | Hans Jörg | René Bischler | Jennah Karthes | Birgit Gehring | Ümez Haspolat | Florian Furkes | Achim Glück | Eric Dean Hordes | Susanne Menner | Alessandro Alioto | Karlo Hackenberger | Marianne Gross | Eberhard Prüter | Georg Tryphon | Gisela Fritsch | Sascha Rotermund | Luise Lunow