The story centers on a group of gossipy, high-society women who spend their days at the beauty salon and haunting fashion shows. The sweet, happily-wedded Mary Haines finds her marriage in trouble when shop girl Crystal Allen gets her hooks into Mary’s man.
Rated PG-13 | Length 114 minutes
Meg Ryan | Annette Bening | Eva Mendes | Debra Messing | Jada Pinkett Smith | Candice Bergen | Cloris Leachman | India Ennenga | Debi Mazar | Bette Midler | Carrie Fisher | Jill Flint | Joanna Gleason | Lynn Whitfield | Natasha Alam | Ana Gasteyer | Tilly Scott Pedersen | Maya Ri Sanchez | Lindsay Flathers | Christy Scott Cashman | Celeste Olivia | Denece Ryland | Jordan Schechter | Marina Re | Emily Seymour | Allison Seymour | Lauren Lefebvre | Lindsay Lefebvre | Isabella Panteledes | Olivia Panteledes | Madaleine Black | Meredith Black | Celeste Oliva