TV drama series set in a time of social and economic collapse where hyper-inflation has lead to food shortages and mass riots. A desperate husband and father, Norman Mortimer (David Neal), takes his family to a large house in the country where he reinforces the cellar in order to store food and keep his family safe. But as the situation worsens, the Mortimers arouse the suspicions of the starving locals and their sanctuary comes under threat as the news of their food store spreads.
Length 210 minutes
Mike Reid | Christopher Fairbank | Jack May | Simon Gipps-Kent | Alun Lewis | Michele Winstanley | Brian Capron | David Neal | Annette Ekblom | Hugh Hastings | Christopher Coll | Marcus Francis | Jean Rimmer | Pauline Letts | Douglas Blackwell | Lee Macdonald | Diana Van Proosdy | Jake Anthony | Martin Townsend