Fisher, an ex-detective, decides to take one final case when a mysterious serial killer claims the lives of several young girls. Fisher, unable to find the culprit, turns to Osbourne, a writer who was once respected for his contributions to the field of criminology. Fisher begins to use Osbourne’s technique, which involves empathizing with serial killers; however, as the detective becomes increasingly engrossed in this method, things take a disturbing turn.
Length 104 minutes
Michael Elphick | Esmond Knight | Me Me Lai | Jerold Wells | Ahmed El Shenawi | Astrid Henning-Jensen | Janos Hersko | Stig Larsson | Harry Harper | Roman Moszkowicz | Lars von Trier | Frederik Casby | Duke Addabayo | Jon Bang Carlsen | Leif Magnusson | Preben Lerdorff Rye | Camilla Overbye Roos | Maria Behrendt | Mogens Rukov | Gotha Andersen