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ROH: The Era of Honor Begins (2002)


American Dragon vs Low Ki vs Christopher Daniels / Super Crazy vs Eddy Guerrero / Michael Shane and Oz vs Spanky and Ikaika Loa / Joel Maximo vs Josh Maximo vs Amazing Red vs Quiet Storm vs Chris Divine vs Brian XL / The Boogie Knights vs The Natural Born Sinners / Xavier vs Scoot Andrews / Jay Briscoe vs Amazing Red / Da Hit Squad vs The Christopher Street Connection

Rated NR | Length 150 minutes


Bryan Danielson | Daniel Christopher Covell | Brandon Silvestry | Eddie Guerrero | Francisco Rueda | Matt Bentley | John Osmond | Brian Kendrick | Ikaika Loa | Prince Nana Osei Bandoh | Eric Tuttle | John Watson | Jonathan Figueroa | Brian XL | Quiet Storm | Chris Divine | Kelvin Ramirez | Julio Ramirez | Danny Drake | Mike Tobin | Nelson Rodriguez Erazo | Louis Ayala | Andrew Warner | John Bedoya | Jamin Pugh | Danny Lopez | Steve Carrasquillo | Buff-E | Mace Mendoza | Mark Pugh | Cathy Allison Corino