The story begins with the establishment of the three different worlds apart, bound to meet for an adventure like no other. The humble family-oriented story of Enteng Kabisote, a low-profile technician married to the beautiful fairy princesss of Encantasia, Faye; The battles of the Agimat, the brave village Warrior Hero of Amuleto; and the high tech-yuppie Kingdom of Diwatara ruled by Princess Angelina Kalinisan-Orteza, also known in the world as “AKO” where she leads an environmental advocacy organization.
Vic Sotto | Ramon 'Bong' Revilla Jr. | Judy Ann Santos | Jose Manalo | Wally Bayola | Amy Perez | Gwen Zamora | Aiza Seguerra | Mikylla Ramirez | Oyo Boy Sotto | Jolo Revilla | Jimmy Santos | Ryzza Mae Dizon | John Lapus | Sam Pinto | Ruby Rodriguez | Barbie Forteza | Joyce Ching | Yassi Pressman | Alden Richards | Derrick Monasterio | Jinri Park | Rob Sy | Jillian Ward | Diane Medina | Gian Sotto | Wahoo Sotto | Val Sotto | Shalala | I.C. Mendoza | Kiray Celis | Igi Boy Flores | Nica Peralejo | Thou Reyes | King Gutierrez | Ryan Agoncillo | Robert Villar