The body of a young woman is discovered in a park in Tokyo with all her organs removed. The case is assigned to Detective Inukai, a usually cool and unemotional detective known for seeing through the lies of others. But Inukai has a young daughter in need of a kidney transplant, so when the first crime is followed by two similar crimes, Inukai is caught between his roles as a detective and a father.
Ikki Sawamura | Kôji Seto | Ikkei Watanabe | Youichi Nukumizu | Keisuke Horibe | Takayuki Godai | Yorie Yamashita | Hiyori Sakurada | Kenji Mizuhashi | Shintarô Akutsu | Kouta Ishii | Yasuhisa Furuhara | Tomohito Wakizaki | Yutaro Hayashi | Daisuke Nagakura | Masaru Aoyama | Sachi Funaki | Yoshiko Tokoshima | Raita Ryu | Mimura