The Peruvian army captain Pantaleon Pantoja, a very serious and efficient officer, is chosen by his superiors to set up a special service of ‘visitors’ to satisfy the sexual needs of the soldiers posted on remote jungle outposts.
Rated R | Length 137 minutes
Angie Cepeda | Salvador del Solar | Mónica Sánchez | Pilar Bardem | Aristóteles Picho | Gustavo Bueno | Tatiana Astengo | Gianfranco Brero | Carlos Kaniowsky | Sergio Galliani | Pold Gastello | Carlos Tuccio | César Bravo | Basilio Soraluz | Norka Ramírez | Marisela Pucicon | Patricia Cabrera | Roxana Yépez | Maricielo Effio | Shirley Pfenning | Tula Rodriguez | Fernando Pasco | Víctor Ángeles | Pierre Linares | Eleana Carrión | Marcial Mattheus | Sandro Calderón | Emilram Cossio | Nerit Olaya | Manuel Luna | Johnny Mendoza | Felipe Degregori | Gastón Vizcarra | Ricardo Velásquez | Carlos Victoria | Lucy Cabrera | Ángela Gutiérrez | Patricia Romero | David Carrillo | Carlos Danos | Angela Gutierrez | Ricardo Morán