Comedy about a woman suffering from low self esteem who gets breast enhancement surgery, unaware that her surgeon worships H.P. Lovecraft’s elder gods, and the surgery is part of a diabolical plot to rule the world.
Rated R | Length 98 minutes
Jessica Zwolak | Debbie Rochon | Paul Mcginnis | Michael Thurber | Lloyd Kaufman | Sam Qualiana | Robert Bozek | Michael O'Hear | Alexander S. McBryde | Brooke Lewis | Tim O'Hearn | Julian Dickman | Brittani Hare | Drew Bialy | Matthew King | Sephera Giron | Erika Frase | Roy Frumkes | Kathy Murphy | Steve Boliek, Jr. | John Renna | Tia Maurice | Tamar Lamberson | Kim Piazza | Sherri Lyn Litz | Hernan Caraballo | Andrew Elias | Nick Lama | Bill Brown | Matt Reese | Cheryl Szymczak | Marcus Ganci-Rotella | Brandon Devine | Dale Rugg | Sheri Fairchild | Leanne Downey | Michael Paul Will | Kaelin Lamberson | Anthony Michael Fiorella | Mick O'Keefe | Jennifer McMahon | Michael Gesel | James Williams | Frank Nicosia | Rod Durick | Christopher Fire | Steven Metiver | Armand John Petri | Carmine Capobianco