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Bedelia (1946)

Directed by Lance Comfort


Bedelia Carrington is living happily, it appears, in Monte Carlo with her husband Charlie Carrington. But a cultivated young artist, Ben Chaney, begins probing into her past with curious concern. Chaney, who is really a detective, learns that Bedelia’s obsession for money has led her, in the past, to husband-poisoning for the insurance money.

Rated NR | Length 90 minutes


Charles Paton | Ian Hunter | Margaret Lockwood | Paul Hardtmuth | Paul Bonifas | John Salew | Anne Crawford | John Serret | Dermot Walsh | Aubrey Mallalieu | Kynaston Reeves | George Pelling | Ellen Pollock | Olga Lindo | Barry K. Barnes | Beatrice Varley | Louise Hampton | Jill Esmond | Marcel Poncin | Julien Mitchell | David Keir | Claude Bailey | Michael Martin Harvey | Daphne Arthur | Yvonne Andre | Vi Stevens | Barbara Blair | Elizabeth Maude | John Tatum | Alice Gachet | Henry De Bray | Sonia Sergyl | Oscar Nation | Jill Bardy | Malcolm Vaughan | Claude Frederic | John Allen | Michelle de Lys | Al Gold | Lola Cordell