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Expertos en pinchazos (1979)

Directed by Hugo Sofovich


Alberto and Jorge are employees of a pharmacy. One day, by mistake, they give a client a bottle of poison in exchange for a medication that she had to start ingesting 48 hours later. Realizing this, they decide to go out and look for her with the only data they have: her first name, her striking clothing, and that she was driving an imported motorcycle. So they launch into a crazy race against time touring the fashionable places of the Buenos Aires night, helped by a woman who claims to know the mysterious girl on the motorcycle.

Length 90 minutes


Alberto Olmedo | Jorge Porcel | Moria Casán | Patricia Dal | Reina Reech | César Bertrand | Carmen Barbieri | Tincho Zabala | Jorge Martínez | Mónica Gonzaga | Jorgelina Aranda | Alberto Irízar | Giselle Ducal | Ricardo Morán | Lucía Miranda | Juan Alberto Mateyko | Mónica Lander | Juan Buryúa Rey | Cacho Bustamante | Diana Lupe | Loana Muller | Raúl Ricutti