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El poder del deseo (1975)

Directed by Juan Antonio Bardem


Javier lives with his mother in a modest apartment. He conducts surveys on the effectiveness of ads. This work provides a humble earning for the two of them. One day he meets Juna at a bus stop. He tries to ask her out, but she refuses. A few days later, they meet again. Slowly a relationship develops, but her plan is to marry someone rich. Javier’s wealthy uncle included him in his testament, so Juna talks Javier into killing the uncle.

Length 117 minutes


Marisol | Murray Head | José María Prada | Lola Gaos | Alfredo Alonso | Francisco Amorós | Eloy Arenas | José Luis Barceló | Pilar Bardem | Juan Cazalilla | Alberto Fernández | Antonio Gamero | Tito García | Pilar Gómez Ferrer | Fernando Hilbeck | Maria Jesus Hoyos | Cris Huerta | Paloma Hurtado | Lola Lemos | Carmen Lozano | José Luis Manrique | Mari Merche | Enrique Navarro | Concha Rabal | Raquel Rodrigo | Antonio Ross | Alfonso San Félix | Javier Sand | Jaime Segura | Tina Sáinz | Fernando Sánchez Polack | Pilar Vela | María Vico | José Yepes