Set in the 1970s, a multicultural team of Malaysian football players struggle to overcome personal and collective hardships as a team. Together they create the most triumphant zero to hero story and gain a place at the Asian Games.
Length 113 minutes
JC Chee | Luqman Hafidz | Saran Kumar Manokaran | Bront Palarae | Marianne Tan | Mark Williams | Lim Jian Wen | Eric Teng | Taufiq Hanafi | Katrina Ho | Daphne Low | Ganasen Thanimalai | Haris Mohd Zainuddin | Sri Balasubramaniam | Andy Darrel Gomes | Bernard Hiew | Firzany Mokti | Shivatharan Nambiar | Soh Chin Aun | Lee Chwee Sieang | Dato’ Rahim Razali | Markus Wehner Glæsel | Janus Emil Mariager | Lee Sai Peng