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Average Rating: 8/10

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Pieces (1982)

Directed by Juan Piquer Simón

Most recently watched by sleestakk, zombiefreak, sensoria, scottfinn, noahphex


A frustrated Boston detective searches for the maniac responsible for mutilating a number of university coeds.

Rated R | Length 85 minutes


Christopher George | Lynda Day George | Frank Braña | Edmund Purdom | Ian Sera | Paul L. Smith | Jack Taylor | Gérard Tichy | May Heatherly | Leticia Marfil | Hilda Fuchs | Isabel Luque | Silvia Gambino | Emilio Linder | Pilar Alcón | Bruce Le | Cristina Cottrelli | Roxana Nieto | Carmen Aguado | Paco Alvez