Revolves around the life of a highschool student, love-idealist named Claudia, and a thirty something love-skeptic Jasmine, and the way they confront love and fate.
Length 112 minutes
Kirana Larasati | Kinaryosih | Andhika Pratama | Nino Fernandez | Mieke Amalia | Verdi Solaiman | Ira Maya Sopha | Tio Pakusadewo | Fikri Ramadhan | Dinda Kanyadewi | Tizza Radia | Agastya Kandou | Mario Lawalata | Sakurta Ginting | Joshua Pandelaki | Irianti Erningpraja | Thomas Nawilis | Aris Kurniawan | Moammar Emka | Delon Tio