High Noon tells the story of a lawman named Will Kane (Skerritt) who has just married a young bride, Amy (Thompson), promising to leave his dangerous career and settle down for a quiet life. Just as they are about to leave, word comes that a vicious killer Kane had sent to prison years earlier, is coming to town on the noon train seeking vengeance. Kane attempts to rally the town to fight the gunman, but not even his former deputy Harvey (Diamond) is willing to help. Harvey’s cowardice infuriates his girlfriend, Helen (Alonso), whose romantic past with both Kane and with the arriving gunman convinces her to pack up and leave town. As the dreaded noon hour approaches, Kane realizes he must stand alone against the coming storm.
Length 85 minutes
Tom Skerritt | Reed Diamond | Susanna Thompson | MarĂa Conchita Alonso | Noel Fisher | Frank C. Turner | David LeReaney | Dennis Weaver | August Schellenberg | Michael Madsen | Matthew Walker | Shaun Johnson | Terry King | Kate Newby | Brian Stollery | Joe Norman Shaw | Trevor Leigh | Colin A. Campbell | Jim Leyden | Stephen Eric McIntyre | Jim Shield | Royal Sproule | Tom McBeath | Andy Maton | Rainer Kahl | Peter Strand Rumpel | Larry Austin | Bob Chomyn | Jim Rattai | Jacqueline Robbins | Joyce Robbins | Brent Woolsey | Thomas F. Legg | Judith Buchan | Randy Birch | Chelsea Lunan | Stevie Mitchell