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Midnight Man (1997)

Directed by Lawrence Gordon Clark


British soldiers force a recently captured IRA terrorist to cooperate with them and then assign him to go undercover with a gang of terrorists and prevent them from killing the U.S. President. But the spy isn’t in long before he realizes that the first plot is but a ruse for a more sinister scheme that could result in trouble between China and Great Britain.

Length 94 minutes


Rob Lowe | Kenneth Cranham | Deborah Moore | Hannes Jaenicke | Daphne Cheung | Ellen David | Michael Sarrazin | Ben Gaule | Aaron Shirley | John Warnaby | Laura Marine | Jay Simon | James Duggan | Samantha Giles | Simon Kelly | Ron Berglas | Fernand Monast | Bunny Reed | Hervé Sogne | Steven Lander | Oengus MacNamara | Stefan Gryff | Pete Smythe | Jill Stanford | Eleanor West | Vito Grossman | Paul Bandey | Erich Redman | Claire Johnston | Peter Riemens | David Buckley | Julian Nest | Brendan Morgan | Robert Payne | Tim Ward | Riz Meedin | Shane Bennet | Pedro Mendes | Cirian Mulherne | Nadine Meyer | Jose Periera | Cirian O'Hai | David Leung | Sam Lathem | Teresa Rose | Larue Hall | Fran Potasnik | Fabienne Di Marco | Ian Brooks | Yuri Stepanov | Stanislav Suknenko | Milos Hlavac | Manuel Pinto | Ann Overstall Comfort