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Daniel and the Superdogs (2004)

Directed by André Melançon


A young boy still recovering from his mother’s recent death teams with his two best friends to turn a regular pooch into a stunt-performing super-dog in this affectionate comedy for the whole family. Losing a parent is never easy, but for 11 year old Daniel it’s been especially hard; when his father dives into work in an attempt to keep his grief at bay, Daniel starts causing mischief around the neighborhood with his best friends William and Colin. When the kids catch wind of a canine.

Length 102 minutes


Matthew Harbour | Patrick Goyette | Macha Grenon | Annie Bovaird | Wyatt Bowen | Laurent-Christophe De Ruelle | William Phan | Myriam De Verger | Andrée Lachapelle | Gilles Pelletier | Dorothée Berryman | Vincent Bilodeau | Annie Chaplin | Jan Rubeš | Claire Bloom | Caroline Binet | Samantha E. Cutler | Julianne Côté | Sivio Orvieto | Serge Patry | Yvon Roy | Jamie Scavone | Rock Demers