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Average Rating: 9/10

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My Life as a Zucchini (2016)

Directed by Claude Barras

Most recently watched by lordofthemovies, sleestakk


After his mother’s death, Zucchini is befriended by a kind police officer, Raymond, who accompanies him to his new foster home filled with other orphans his age. There, with the help of his newfound friends, Zucchini eventually learns to trust and love as he searches for a new family of his own.

Rated PG-13 | Length 66 minutes


Gaspard Schlatter | Sixtine Murat | Paulin Jaccoud | Michel Vuillermoz | Raul Ribera | Estelle Hennard | Elliot Sanchez | Lou Wick | Brigitte Rosset | Natacha Koutchoumov | Monica Budde | Adrien Barazzone | Véronique Montel | Romane Cretegny | Evelyne Bouvier | Léonard Geneux | Anne-Laure Brasey | Jean-Claude Issenmann | Iannis Jaccoud