Comedy fuses with science fiction in this quirky film about the chaos that ensues when an “elk” (in fact, a tall individual who wears a coat, does not speak, and has an elk’s head and antlers) emerges from the forest near a small town. Accepted by a family who interacts with him as if nothing is unusual, they initially shelter their guest from their neighbors. But not for long!
Length 83 minutes
Aurélia Petit | Olivier Broche | Délia Espinat-Dief | Frank Bellocq | Cyprien Dugas | Bernard Montiel | François Morel | Arsène Mosca | Servane Deschamps | Kamel Abdessadok | Guillaume Briat | David Geselson | Richard Chevalier | Thierry Pietra | Julie Marboeuf | Frida Gallot | Diane Coelho | Magali Caillet | Célyne Durand | Cybèle Villemagne | Kafka | Marie Rechner | Cécile Le Guern | Frédéric Felder | Kietvongsa Tha | Pathammavong Phimmasone | Sivilay Soulivane | Vongkingkeo Meuane | Jean Croc | Patrick Martinache