“The Franchise” Shane Douglas prepares to defend the ECW World Heavyweight Title against “Ravishing” Rick Rude’s personally selected mystery opponent. Bam Bam Bigelow introduces Spike Dudley to extreme crowd surfing. Beulah and Fonzie battle in a bloody brawl. Former nemeses “The Original Gangsta” New Jack and John Kronus join forces to battle their mutual enemy the Dudley Boys for the ECW World Tag Team Titles. “The Hardcore Icon” The Sandman faces “The Homicidal Suicidal Genocidal Death-Defying Maniac” Sabu for the first time ever, Jerry Lynn vs. Justin Credible, Chris Candido vs. Lance Storm, and more!
Rated NR | Length 147 minutes
Terry Michael Brunk | Mark LoMonaco | William Matthew Sierra | Jim Fullington | Jerry Lynn | Rob Van Dam | Thomas James Laughlin | Trisa Laughlin | Jerome Young | Scott Charles Bigelow | Devon Hughes | Matthew Hyson | Chris Candido | Troy Martin | Doug Furnas | Peter Polaco | Lance Evers | Jonathan Rechner | Tommy Rich | Tracy Smothers | Francine Fournier | Alex Rizzo | Axl Rotten | James Maritato | Joel Gertner | George B. Caiazzo | Ron Knight | Philip Lafond | Lou D'Angeli