In this drama from director Alan Parker, on-the-lam Jack McGurn flees to Los Angeles and takes a job as a projectionist at a movie theater owned by a Japanese-American man. Jack falls for the owner’s daughter, Lily, but they are forced to elope to Seattle when her father forbids the relationship. The couple marry and have a daughter, but when World War II breaks out, Jack is powerless to stop his new family’s forced internment.
Rated R | Length 133 minutes
Dennis Quaid | Tamlyn Tomita | Sab Shimono | Brady Tsurutani | Shizuko Hoshi | Stan Egi | Ronald Yamamoto | Akemi Nishino | Naomi Nakano | Elizabeth Gilliam | Shyree Mezick | Caroline Junko King | Pruitt Taylor Vince | Colm Meaney | Becky Ann Baker | John P. Finnegan | Takamuro Ikeguchi | Danny Kamekona | Yoshimi Imai | Lenny Imamura | Goh Misawa | Sanae Hosaka | Shuko Akune | Keenan Shimizu | Dale Ishimoto | Shinko Isobe | Mariko Fujinaka | Fred Irinaga | Tad Horino | George P. Wilbur | Allan Graf | Frank Trocha | Tricia L. Campbell | Kelsy White | Cynthia Aso | Emi Endo | Marian Mukogawa | Fran Lucci | John Jensen | John Mazzocco | Joe Heinemann | Michael York | Mark Earley | Paul A. DiCocco Jr. | Joe Lisi | David MacIntyre | Doug MacHugh | Howard French | Gigi Toya | Don Alder | Teri Eiko Koide | Jumi Emizawa | Cynthia Lauren | Ian Woolf | Ben Slack | Bill M. Ryusaki | Ken Katsumoto | Kim Robillard | George Buck | Kevin McDermott | Harunobu Yoshida | David Carpenter | Ben DiGregorio | Saachiko | Ben Colesberry | Richard Iwamoto | Douglas Kato | Ken Y. Mayeno | Makio Sasaki | Tommy Allen | John McColpin | Ricardo E. Cespedes | Yuji O. Hirayama | Larry Honda | William O. Hunt | Mark Izu | Jon C. Jang | Brian J. Lee | Francis G. Wong | Russell Yoon | Thomas Yoshida | Brian Oshima | Kurt Takayama | David Watanabe | Miles Watanabe | Robbie Hioki | Dennis Hoda