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In Search of a Rising Tide (2005)


   “NOT SINCE THE ENDLESS SUMMER HAS A FILM BEEN SUCH A REVELATION IN REGARDS TO A SPORT AND ITS CULTURE.”                              —- RANDY HACKETT, WASHINGTON SQUARE FILMS       In Search of a Rising Tide began as a fishing film about the pursuit of a world record bonefish on a fly rod. It ended up a document for the preservation of a fishing culture amid the ecosystem that created it.     The Bonefish Culture of Andros Island, Bahamas – the island that holds the unofficial world record for a bonefish caught on a fly – had not been truly experienced from a native Bahamian’s point of view, until now. Filmmaker Jamie Howard does this by hitching a ride on a boat bow, setting up impromptu interviews on lobster crates, and driving the roads of the Bahamas’ least explored island. The driving force of the story is the fishing reunion of two of the best guides in the world, Andy Smith and Charlie Neymour. It is a fishing trip that for them had not occurred since childhood.

Rated G