In a small Catholic boarding school an unspeakable act has been committed. When High School student, Luther Scott, confesses to Father Michael Kelly, Kelly is bound silent to the particulars of a grisly murder. Now, framed guilty by the desperate teen, Kelly must decide to keep his silence or throw away everything the priesthood holds sacred.
Rated R | Length 90 minutes
Chris Pine | Cameron Daddo | Bruce Davison | Tom Bosley | Peter Greene | Lukas Behnken | Travis Van Winkle | Kate Vernon | Janet Carroll | Robert Pine | Adam Bussell | Evan Ellingson | Nick Fowler | Ramon Hilario | Kathy Lamkin | Stephen Sowan | Bob Rumnock | Craig Shoemaker | Wiley M. Pickett | Branden R. Morgan | Fred Meyers | Daniel Kountz