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Falcons (2002)

Directed by Friðrik Þór Friðriksson


Simon a mysterious man with a past returns to Iceland with the intention to end his no good life. Before he can complete his task he meets a young women DÚA who he believes might be his daughter. When she gets into trouble with the police Simon represses his death wish and decides to help her out. Together they flee to the city of Hamburg and smuggle with them what used to be the greatest export of the Vikings, an Icelandic Falcon. Their plan is to sell it to wealthy Arabs.

Length 95 minutes


Keith Carradine | Margrét Vilhjálmsdóttir | Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson | Magnús Ólafsson | Margrét Ólafsdóttir | Friðrik Friðriksson | Axel Prahl | Ramin Yazdani | Geo von Krogh | Hark Bohm | Ragnheiður Steindórsdóttir | Randver Þorláksson | Margrét Helga Jóhannsdóttir | Guðmundur Ólafsson | Theodór Júlíusson | Volker Michalowski | Rafi Guessous | Bernd Gajkowski