A comedy about Krushchev’s ‘Virgin Lands’ project, to transform the barren and inhospitable spaces of the vast Soviet Union into fertile agricultural plains. A classically Socialist-Realist narrative of an individual’s ‘re-education’. Zhenia, a hapless idler, arrives with a band of enthusiastic young Konsomol members to build a new town in the steppe. Although his dream, like that of all the young participants, is ‘to become a tractor driver and a hero’, he isn’t prepared to work for the honour.
Length 75 minutes
Sergei Gurzo | Idris Nogajbayev | Nina Grebeshkova | Мухтар Бахтыгереев | Vladimir Boriskin | Кененбай Кожабеков | V. Togushchov | Rimma Shorokhova | Ivan Lobyzovskiy | Павел Кайров | Shakhan Musin | L. Olshevsky | V. Skuridin | K. Alishev | L. Bodolazov | Tamara Dumnaya | Rakhia Koichubaeva | Viktor Uralsky | Nadezhda Samsonova | G. Fedorovsky