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The Theft of St. Peter's Treasure (2000)

Directed by Alberto Sironi


Rome is on the thresh-hold of the Holy year 1925, the city wishes to present itself as ‘spotless’ to the outside world. The appearance of a child’s corpse puts an end to these aspirations. The police arrest a small time crook who has committed a robbery but has nothing to do with the murder of the child.

Length 180 minutes


Luca Zingaretti | Meret Becker | Ivan Bekjarev | Umberto Bellissimo | Lena Bogdanović | Giorgio Bongiovanni | Paolo Calabresi | Fortunato Cerlino | Rosario Coppolino | Francesco Maria Cordella | Biancamaria D'Amato | Giacinto Ferro | Alessandra Gigli | Angelica Ippolito | Goran Jevtić | Davide Lo Verde | Pietro Montandon | Gigio Morra | Tullio Sorrentino | Lidia Vitale | Đorđe Branković